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Advances in Agriculture and Botanics - International Journal of the Bioflux Society. Published by Bioflux, three issues per year. Online ISSN 2067-6352; Print ISSN 2066-7639. AAB Bioflux is a peer-reviewed international journal. Each published article was independently seen before by two Scientific Reviewers and at least one lingvist.
Animal Biology and Animal Husbandry - International Journal of the Bioflux Society. ABAH Bioflux is a peer-reviewed journal. Each published article was independently seen before by two scientific reviewers and at least one lingvist. Some papers need to be edited to English, the fee for this service is 50 USD for members or non-members of the board.
Advances in Environmental Sciences - International Journal of the Bioflux Society. Published by Bioflux, three issues per year. AES Bioflux is an international peer-reviewed journal. Each published article was independently seen before by two Scientific Reviewers and at least one lingvist.
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation and Legislation.
Carte stiintifica si de popularizare, manuale. Editura Bioflux a luat fiinta in anul 2008. Editura Bioflux este recunoscuta de catre CNCSIS. Asteptam cu interes publicatiile dumneavostra! .
Extreme Life, Biospeology and Astrobiology. Extreme Life, Biospeology and Astrobiology - International Journal of the Bioflux Society. Published by Bioflux - One issue per year. ELBA Bioflux welcomes original articles, reviews, minireviews, short notes, letters, opinions and editorials on extremophilic species, extreme behavior or metabolism, cave species or communities, astrobiology, evolution, cryopreservation, microbiology and lichenology.
Human and Veterinary Medicine - International Journal of the Bioflux Society. Online ISSN 2066-7663; Printed ISSN 2066-7655. Published by Bioflux - Quarterly. Some papers need to be edited to English, the fee for this service is 50 USD for members or non-members of the board.
Poeciliid Research is a peer-reviewed journal. Each published article was independently seen before by two scientific reviewers and at least one lingvist.
Rabbit Genetics is a peer-reviewed journal. Each published article was independently seen before by two scientific reviewers and at least one lingvist.
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